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Tests and Results

When one of the doctors or nurses sends you for a test, the result comes back to the Practice. Generally, you will be told at the time of the request by the doctor or nurse whether to make an appointment to discuss the results or whether you should pop in or telephone for them.

In this electronic world, some blood tests come back the following day. Some can take a week or more to come back. Xray results can take 10 days to return.

Tests organised by our attached staff tend to come back to us as well. For example, the District Nurses use our forms to request tests so the results come back too.

We are often asked if we have the results of tests and Xrays requested from the hospital. People are told "the results will be with your doctor in a week" - this, of course, means your hospital doctor, not us. As a general rule we find out about the results of such tests after your follow up clinic appointment, when we receive your clinic letter.